Sweet Sushi Soy Sauce
Product Description
This special sauce is made to a traditional Japanese recipe that combines the rich flavor of Clear spring soy sauce with a mellow sweetness of Japan’s finest mirin sweet rice seasoning. Ideal for a dip for sushi, tempura or during cooking to flavor stir fries and grilled vegetables.
Sauce can be used for various things such as condiment for sushi, grilled foods and more. Made with traditionally brewed soy sauce and sweet rice wine. It’s pre-thickened to give foods an attractive sheen and rich, sweet-savory flavor. Sushi sauce is a vegetarian, gluten free and is made without high fructose corn syrup, and restaurant quality flavor is just a drizzle away with our dark and sweet sushi sauce with a hint of umami. Dip or top on a variety of meat and seafood dishes, such as sushi rolls. Use cautiously since soy sauce is enriched with taste so little to nothing is a good amount.